Nexcare Professional Sports Tape Flesh 50mm x 13.7m

Product Details

A rigid strapping tape with high quality fabric construction and adhesives. Features pinked edges to make hand tearing easy.

Provides preventative and supportive strapping of joints, muscles & tendons for sports activities.

Very popular for athletes looking for a support tape which is easy to tear and apply.

Designed for long lasting results.

How to use

1. Skin should be clean and dry with no dirt, oil or lotions.

2. Use underwrap if skin allergies i.e. foam underwrap or hypo-allergenic undertape.

3. Where possible tape directly onto the skin to obtain maximum support.

4. Place the joint in the appropriate position.

5. If taping over a muscle allow for contraction and expansion of the area.

6. Avoid continuous taping and tourniquet effect.

7. Overlap the tape by at least 1/2 width of previous layer.

8. Tape from the roll whenever possible.

9. Lay tape on skin- don't pull it.

10. Avoid wrinkles.


CAUTION: This Product Contains Natural Rubber Latex Which May Cause Allergic Reactions.

Never tape directly over a cut or skin infection.

Ensure taping is not too tight.

Remove immediately if circulation appears to be affected.

Application of the wrong Strapping or Tape on a complicated injury could cause permanent damage.

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